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Real estate photography Melbourne is a highly sought-after genre in commercial photography, especially with the current booming real estate market. The aim of real estate photography is to capture images that sell properties and catch the attention of potential buyers. While it’s not a quick and easy way to make money, real estate photography can be a profitable venture for those who are willing to learn.

One of the advantages of real estate photography is that it can be done from anywhere since properties are bought and sold everywhere. Unlike other commercial photography jobs that require you to be in major business centers, real estate photography Melbourne easily accessible to photographers living in any location.

To get started in real estate photography, it’s important to build a strong portfolio. You can begin by offering your services for free to friends, family, and neighbors who are looking to sell or rent their properties. Once you have a collection of quality images, you can create an online portfolio to showcase your work. This can help you get discovered by real estate agents, landlords, and homeowners who are looking for professional real estate photographers.

What equipment do you need for real estate photography?

The essential equipment forreal estate photography Melbourne includes a high-quality digital camera, a tripod, and wide-angle lenses that can capture large spaces like living and dining areas. Good editing software is also necessary to enhance the images and give them a professional look. As you gain more experience and establish yourself in the industry, you can invest in more advanced equipment like a wireless trigger, multiple lenses, and lighting upgrades.

These are some of the most common and basic equipment that real estate photographers use:
  • Full-Frame Digital Camera
  • Wide-angle Lens
  • Tripod
  • Remote Trigger
  • Flash and Flash Trigger
  • Light Stands
  1. Full-Frame Digital Camera : For most real estate photography jobs, a full-frame camera is the best choice as it can capture large spaces and produce high-quality images. Look for a camera with a large sensor size for better image quality under low-light conditions.
  2. Wide-angle Lens : A wide-angle lens is a go-to lens for professional real estate photography Melbourne. It creates a sense of depth and emphasizes the space of a room. For full-frame cameras, a wide-angle lens of around 16-35mm is recommended. Avoid using a fisheye or other bloating techniques that can create an unrealistic sense of space and misrepresent the property.
  3. Tripod using : a tripod helps stabilize the camera and results in sharper, steadier images, especially in low-light conditions or when using slower shutter speeds. It also helps maintain a horizontal plane and clean, vertical lines. Experiment with different heights to find the best angle for the room.
  4. Remote Trigger : A remote trigger allows the photographer to trigger the camera without touching it, eliminating camera shake and producing sharper, more focused photographs. This is particularly important when using low shutter speeds.
  5. Flash and Flash Trigger : While natural light is preferred, it’s not always available or sufficient in all areas of the property. Keep a flash handy to brighten dark spaces like bathrooms and hallways. A flash trigger allows the photographer to remotely trigger both the camera and flash for optimal positioning.
  6. Light Stands : Light stands are necessary for mounting the flash and other lights. Lightweight stands work well for flashguns or strobes, while larger moonlights require a sturdier C-stand.

How to shoot real estate photographs?

So, you have your equipment ready, and you have contacted your local realtor for a gig. But how do you shoot a property to produce the best possible results? How do you approach your first real estate photography job? Let us go through some common real estate photography Melbourne techniques to understand how it all works.

Here are some real estate photography techniques and useful tricks:

  • Shoot Wide
  • Vertical Edges
  • Exposing to The Right
  • Shooting Interiors
  • Using Flash
  • Using Light Stands
  • Blown Out Windows
  • Camera Height for Interior Shots
  • Shooting Exteriors
  • Exterior Lighting
  • Camera Height for Exterior Shots
  1. Shoot Wide: Use a wide-angle lens to capture a wider view of the room or the exterior of the property. This technique helps to create a sense of space and emphasize the area of the property.
  2. Vertical Edges: Make sure vertical lines are straight and parallel to the edges of the frame. This can be achieved by adjusting the camera height and angle, or by using a tilt-shift lens.
  3. Exposing to The Right: Expose the image slightly to the right of the histogram to capture more details in the shadows. This technique helps to avoid losing details in the darker areas of the photo.
  4. Shooting Interiors: When shooting interiors, make sure to capture the best features of the room, such as the view, the natural light, and the furniture. Use a tripod to maintain stability and experiment with different heights.
  5. Using Flash: Use a flash to add light to darker areas of the property, such as hallways or bathrooms. A flash trigger can help to position the flash and camera in the most appropriate position and trigger them both remotely.
  6. Using Light Stands: Light stands can help to mount the flash or other lights for better lighting control. Sturdier C-stands can be used for larger moonlights.
  7. Blown-Out Windows: Avoid blown-out windows by exposing the image for the highlights and then brightening the shadows in post-processing.
  8. Camera Height for Interior Shots: Experiment with different camera heights to capture the room from various angles. Consider shooting from above the head level, eye level, chest level, or table level.
  9. Shooting Exteriors: When shooting exteriors, capture the best angle of the property, including the landscape, the building, and any unique features.
  10. Exterior Lighting: Consider adding exterior lightings, such as a softbox or a reflector, to highlight the property’s exterior features.
  11. Camera Height for Exterior Shots: For exterior shots, experiment with different camera heights to capture the property from various angles. Consider shooting from ground level, waist level, or above the property.

How to plan your real estate photo shoot?

Planning is an important aspect of any real estate photography shoot. It’s essential to prepare the property before the shoot to ensure successful results. Here are some things to keep in mind when planning your real estate photo shoot:

  1. Timing: Early morning and dusk are the best times to shoot real estate photography Melbourne because the lighting is more diffused, and harsh shadows can be avoided.
  2. Staging: To ensure the best results, you need to declutter and clean the house beforehand. A visit to the property beforehand will help you plan your shoot and determine what equipment you will need. You can also provide the homeowner with a shortlist of tasks to prepare the house for the shoot. These tasks should include cleaning and decluttering all spaces, clearing and wiping down counters, and storing personal items.
  3. Flexibility: Plan your shoot well in advance but be prepared to be flexible. Success may require a second visit due to factors like weather and lighting. Larger properties may take longer to shoot, so be sure to price your services appropriately.
  4. Avoid Personal Effects: Avoid including any personal effects belonging to the current resident, such as family photos, pets, and other belongings, in your photographs.

By following these tips, you can ensure a successful real estate photography shoot and deliver high-quality photographs to your clients.


Real estate photography can be a lucrative venture for photographers willing to put in the time and effort to learn the craft. With a strong portfolio and the right equipment, you can build a successful real estate photography business and capture images that sell properties.